Done by: Gan Shao Hong

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The occurrence of conflicts in our daily lives is inevitable. Likewise, in a global context, conflicts often occur between different countries when they do not agree with one another on issues which might threaten their national interests. Therefore, countries must come up with measures to resolve these conflicts and prevent them from occurring again in the future. In Singapore, we practice deterrence and diplomacy which helps to prevent conflicts from happening and manage peace and security in the country. However, has anyone ever wondered whether this two-pronged approach is really necessary and important to have?
Let us find out more.

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Singapore has contributed aircrafts and carry humanitarian material and conduct medical
evacuation operations.
As a responsible member of the international community, Singapore has made contributions to the multi-national effort to assist in the reconstruction of Iraq.
It is important that Singapore does our part within our means to help the international community see through the reconstruction of Iraq. Security and stability in the Gulf region has significant implications for issues that are critical to Singapore, such as the spread of terrorism.
We may be geographically distant from Iraq, but how the situation turns out there has a direct bearing on some of our most vital interests.

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This ensures that Singapore and other countries like Iraq maintain a good relationship by helping one another in desperate times. This cooperation with other countries allows an opportunity for Singapore to pursue mutual interests. Also, by helping the Iraqi people to rebuild their lives will facilitate Iraq's reintegration into the global community, and provide the foundation for a better future for the Iraqi people, it could also prevent the spread of terrorism in Singapore as without a stable Iraq, there can be no stability in the Gulf region. Security and stability in the Gulf region has significant implications for issues that are critical to Singapore. Therefore I think it is a wise choice of Singapore to aid Iraq.
Having bilateral relations with other countries could increase their bonds and allow Singapore to gain world recognition and respect. Singapore will then be able to further promote political, economic and cultural ties with countries and will thus be able to speed up its economic and social development. This ensures Singapore to stay competitive and provide more opportunities for our citizens. As such, it will help us and our future.
Ultimately, having close relationships with other countries could boost Singapore’s defence tremendously. Singapore recognises that the situation in Iraq is still in transition and not yet stabilised, and there will be risks to the SAF servicemen as they carry out their mission to aid in Iraq's reconstruction. But Singapore cannot shy away from missions in support of the national interests and responsibilities as a member of the international community just because the mission carries some risks. This is because by helping other countries like Iraq, Singapore could greatly strengthen its defence. In the future, if Singapore face threats from its enemies, Singapore will be ensure that it will attain the support of other countries she have build a strong relationship with.

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           A Pie Chart showing how serious the economic drain was for Iraq's reconstruction.

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Article 2

In the early days, where most people in Singapore had felt this " little red dot" to be indefensible, the country's founding fathers had insisted on the contrary. Singapore's deterrence strategy was implemented comprising of the citizen armed force.
PRO: The NS system was perceived as the best option in the creation of an effective armed force, given constraints posed by Singapore's limited manpower and economic resources.
CON: While initial fears that conscripting male school-leavers, who otherwise would have constituted employable resources, would create adverse economic impact emerged. Complaints abounded from both NS men and their parents, with many who tried ways to dodge the system.

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As discussed in the article, deterrence is achieved through three major ways, namely: the Citizen Armed Forces, the defence industries and the Total Defence Framework. In my personal opinion, I find that Citizen Armed Forces is the best way to achieve deterrence in Singapore. Through compulsory National Service for all Singaporean men, it has allowed Singapore to establish itself as capable of defending itself despite it being just a "little red dot". I think that the Citizen Armed Forces is essential to Singapore as it is mentioned in the article that "populace of missed economic opportunities endured by those who had to be conscripted". This shows that the implementation of Citizen Armed Forces has made more available economic opportunities for the population. Another way of achieving deterrence would be the defence industries. The defence industries are an important part of maintaining the Citizen Armed Forces since it supplies nearly all the weapons that is used by the soldiers in the Citizen Armed Forces. All in all, I find that deterrence in Singapore is mainly achieved by these measures taken by the government and they are indeed very successful. This shows us that deterrence is very important as it has brought about safety in the country which in turns increases the stability of life in Singapore. Deterrence is supposed to prevent potential external attacks by increasing security within the country. Overall, I think that deterrence is not just important but almost a necessity in this present day world as one need to protect oneself from the threats in the closely inter-connected world.

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A poster encouraging Singaporeans to join the National Service

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A video showing how Singapore implements deterrence and diplomacy

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Article 3

Example: ASEAN
Joining ASEAN is one of the key to ensure peace and stability for Singapore. Nations who are ASEAN members help each other in term of finance and security. From ASEAN’ history, countries had help to defend Thailand from the Vietnam War in the 1960s. This shows that Singapore is also able to deter away potential attacks by others through ASEAN in future. Thus it ensures Singapore’s security. Without that, development would not have been ensure in Singapore.

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In order to manage peace and diplomacy, Singapore has forged ties with other neighbouring countries to form ASEAN. Through ASEAN, Singapore has been able to deter away potential attacks by others. This enables Singapore to have more focus on its development. Singapore has also enjoyed numerous benefits by having a friendly mutual relationship with them. For example, they pay fewer taxes during trades with others ASEAN countries. On top of that, Singapore also has improved relationships with ASEAN countries, reducing the chances of conflict among these countries. In return, Singapore provides financial support and allow them pay fewer tax when they trades in Singapore.
However, ASEAN poses a threat to other countries which are not part of ASEAN as they will feel intimidated and this will increase tension among hostile countries, leading to unnecessary conflict. Furthermore, non-ASEAN members need to pay a higher tax when trading in Singapore. This make them feel unfair and this might change their mind to find another alternative place to trade. In a long run, Singapore will lose its world recognition as a world trade centre.
ASEAN benefits Singapore more than it backfires. As Singapore gains security through ASEAN, Singapore is able to develop more and better. This helps Singapore to gain trust from investors to invest in Singapore. Investors will choose Singapore because of it has good facilities and reliable security. These are one of the keys which help Singapore to be outstanding in the world. It also help Singapore’s economic grow. Thus, ASEAN is a key to success to manage diplomacy and development of Singapore.

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          A picture of an ASEAN logo showing the countries that are part of this organisation

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Article 4

The dispute over Pedra Branca between Malaysia and Singapore are an example of how effective diplomacy is practice. Singapore and Malaysia started fighting over this territory when a map, claiming Pedra Branca, was published by Malaysia. To make matters worse, PM of Malaysia personally made an unannounced visit to the vicinity of the island, sparking further tension. Instead of taking offense, both countries agreed in submitting the dispute to the ICJ (International Court of Justice). The court ruled that Pedra Branca is under Singapore’s soversignty and both countries respect and adhere to this decision. Fishermen from other both countries could continue traditional fishing activities from those areas

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This dispute has shown us how international relations has averted trouble between neighboring states, not only resolving a potentially disastrous territorial dispute but also strengthening the ties between the two nations, allowing them to work together to protect the common interests of their people.
In order for Singapore to enjoy trades incentive and other benefits, Singapore must maintain a good and healthy relationship with other countries. Diplomacy helps to provide an opportunity for countries to pursue mutual interests and helps countries to resolve conflicts, differences and disagreements peacefully. Just like the Pedra Branca dispute, Singapore and Malaysia manage to resolve this conflict without affecting their relationship. On top of that, fishermen from other countries can also continue traditional fishing activities from those areas which allow the Malaysia in keeping this interest, hence further improve their relationship.
Diplomacy also allows Singapore to receive helps from other countries in times of needs. The build-up of friendship between countries by diplomacy helps Singapore to enjoy political, social and economic benefits during emergency like an economic crisis. Just like the Pedra Branca dispute, the Malaysia accepted to the ICJ decision even though Singapore has the upper hand. This improves the ties between both countries and Singapore benefit form this economically.
Thus, I feel that diplomacy is essential to Singapore as Singapore reply more on external trades and security. Singapore cannot be existed without the help from the other countries. Trades, tourism are heavily relying on the inter-connectedness among countries. Without Diplomacy, there will not be Singapore today.

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A picture showing Pedra Branca and the middle Rocks

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Therefore, it is clearly shown that deterrence and diplomacy is essential in managing peace and security. With deterrence and diplomacy, the chances of conflicts occurring will be greatly reduced and Singapore will be able to protect herself if any conflict occurs. This will greatly benefit Singapore and also all Singaporeans as well.

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Social Studies Att

Deterrence & Diplomacy

Gan Shao Hong

Chua Jia Yang

Peh Jun Ming

Brandon Yee You Xian

Wong Zhuo Hang



Social Studies
Deterrence and Diplomacy